MUAR, 03 February 2019 The practice of waste separation and recycling in the community is still low and has caused more solid waste generated in the country, says Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change Minister Yeo Bee Yin. She said the understanding and awareness on the matter need to be cultivated and applied in everyday life so that the amount of waste in the landfill could be reduced and at the same time the environment could be preserved. Yeo, who is also Bakri MP, said one of the steps to be implemented was to increase people knowledge in waste separation to separate recyclable solid waste from residual waste because once mixed, the recyclable material would be dirty and contaminated. Therefore, knowledge must be enhanced and the community must be encouraged to practice it (waste separation) for the sake of preserving the environment, she told reporters after launching the SWM Kasih Misi Sampul Merah and the KITAR3cycle programmes for Bakri constituency, here today. Also present were SWM Environment Sdn Bhd executive director Dr Uzir Abdul Malik and its Johor region director, Mohd Zan Arris. Meanwhile, Mohd Zan said the KITAR3cycle programme would be gradually expanded throughout Johor to promote the culture of solid waste separation at the source and the practice of recycling in the community. Through this programme, the residents will receive barcode stickers that need to be fixed on the rubbish bags filled with recycled waste, with the total weight of recycled items will be recorded directly in the KITAR3cycle application. Consumers will then receive reward points that can be redeemed for shopping vouchers at selected supermarkets, he added.